Frequently Asked Questions


If I don't like something in my veg box, can I swap it for something else?

Our box contents are fixed so we can minimise waste, keep our prices down and most importantly keep our buying commitment to our most local organic growers. However, if there is a vegetable you really don't like you can email us and let us know up to 2 items you never want to receive. We'll substitute these for another item if we're ever planning to include them in that week's bag. That said, we encourage everyone to give all our fruit a veg as eating seasonally and being creative with new veg is part of the fun!

Some of our collection points also offer swap boxes where you can swap one item for another. These are Bridge 5 Mill, Hulme Community Garden Centre, Kindling Market Garden andThe Place Cafe.

How do I book a pause?

Holidays need to be booked before midday on Tuesday prior to the week you don’t want to receive your order (e.g 7 days in advance if you collect on Tuesday, 9 days if you collect on a Thursday). To book a holiday/pause log on to your account to go to your dashboard. The edit pause tab is located to the left under the 'active subscription button'. Simply click on this and select the date(s) you don’t want to receive an order. Please don't forget to hit SAVE!

Do you cater for allergies?

Yes. Please get in touch with us by email if you can’t have a particular item of fruit or veg and we’ll substitute these so you never receive them. Our choices for substitutions are sometimes limited, so you may receive a double portion of another item if no alternative is available.If you let us know about an allergy, this will be indicated on your personalised label attached to the handle of your bag. Please check your bag carefully to make sure you’ve picked up the correct one at your collection point.

When is payment taken?

The payment for your first order is taken when you sign up, after that you are billed once your order has been delivered. Payment will leave your account the following day.

Are there any weeks in the year when you don’t deliver?

We close between Christmas and New Year- typically for 2 weeks.

How much produce will I get in my bag?

We give an indication of the amount of portions of fruit and veg you should receive on the product pages see here for fruit and here for veg). The size of portion varies based on what’s available and the cost. You can look at the product pages between Thursday and Monday for an indication of the weights going into the following week’s bag.

Can I alternate my bag type from week to week?

You can change your bag size as frequently as you like- just remember to make any changes for the following week’s order by midday on Tuesday the week before you want the change to take effect.

How and when will I find out what’s in my next fruit/veg bag?

We email you the week before (usually on a Thursday or Friday) to let you know the contents for the following week. You will also find this information on your customer dashboard.

I receive my order fortnightly, if I book a pause will this change the weeks on which I receive my order?

The pattern of your fortnightly collections are not affected when you take a pause. If you want to change the pattern of your ‘on’ and ‘off’ weeks after your holiday, please get in touch with us via email and we will be able to make this change for you.

Why are the order change and holiday deadlines so far in advance?

We order exactly what we need directly from our growers on Tuesday afternoons the week before the produce will be delivered to us. This allows our growers time to harvest, keeping the produce fresh and minimising waste.

Can I alternate my bag type from week to week?

You can change your bag size as frequently as you like- just remember to make any changes for the following week’s order by midday on Tuesday the week before you want the change to take effect.

Why are the order change and holiday deadlines so far in advance?

We order exactly what we need directly from our growers on Tuesday afternoons the week before the produce will be delivered to us. This allows our growers time to harvest, keeping the produce fresh and minimising waste.

When is the latest I can make a change to my order?

Our deadline for making changes is midday on Tuesday the week before your next order is due. So if you collect on a Thursday you will need to make changes 9 days before.

I receive my order fortnightly, if I book a pause will this change the weeks on which I receive my order?

The pattern of your fortnightly collections are not affected when you take a pause. If you want to change the pattern of your ‘on’ and ‘off’ weeks after your holiday, please get in touch with us via email and we will be able to make this change for you.

How do I cancel my subscription?

Log into your account to see your customer dashboard. Click the button saying that your subscription is currently active (a green button after the words “This subscription is”). This will open a menu where you can either choose to “Pause my box temporarily” or, just below this, “Stop my box until further notice”. Select this option and enter the date you’d like your cancellation to take effect.Please note that cancellations need to be made by midday on Tuesday the week before you want your final box. After this time we will have already placed our orders for fruit and veg for your box so will be unable to cancel until the following week’s order.

How do I change my collection point?

Please drop us an email letting us know which collection point you would like to change to. Please do this before our deadline of midday on Tuesday the week prior to the change being made.

How do I change my order?

Log in to your account to make any changes such as adding potatoes or onions, or changing your bag size or collection frequency. Any changes need to be made by midday on Tuesday the week before you would like the change to take effect.

Do I have to order every week?

No, you can sign up for a one-off box, or subscribe to receive them fortnightly or weekly.

Can I order a fruit bag only?


Problems with your order or account

How do you keep my payment details secure?

Please refer to our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions for details.

How do you store personal information?

Please refer to our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions for details.

What do I do if I can’t log into my account?

If you’ve forgotten your password, click “Forgot your password?” on the login page and enter your email address. You’ll be sent an email to reset your password. If this does not resolve your issue please send us an email.

I forgot to cancel my bag for this week. What should I do?

Unfortunately we’re unable to accept any cancellations after our deadline of midday on Tuesday the week before you’re due to receive the order as we will have already ordered the fruit and vegetables for it after this time.If you know you won’t be able to collect your order, you can let us know by email and we’ll ensure your bag is donated to a good cause. Alternatively, you could send a friend or family member to pick up your order for you, or enjoy it themselves.

There’s an issue with some of my fruit/veg, what should I do?

Please get in touch with us via email if you are not happy with the quality of any items.

My name is not on the list at the collection point. What should I do?

Please send us an email and we will be in touch with you as quickly as possible to investigate and resolve the matter.

Something is missing from my order, what should I do?

Please get in touch with us via email if you are missing any items from your order.

What happens to my veg bag if I miss the collection window?

All our collection points have specified collection times and we ask that you collect during these hours. Our collection points work with us on a voluntary basis and don’t have capacity to hold onto uncollected bags indefinitely. Instead, we ask them to make sure that any veg remaining after the collection window is donated to a good cause so it does not go to waste.If you know in advance that you won’t be able to collect please let us know as soon as you can. If we get your message before we have dropped off at the collection point we may be able to divert it to another collection point or you can collect it from our packing site at Hot Bed Press in Salford. Once we have delivered your order to your collection point we are unable to divert it.

How do I update my card details?

Log in to your dashboard and click on to my account on the right hand side. This will bring up the page where you can change your payment details.

Ethics and sustainability

I am no longer a customer. What shall I do with my reusable bags?

Please return any packaging to one of our collection points, we’ll collect it when we deliver the next orders.

Do you have to use plastic packaging?

The short answer is yes. It is the most practical for transporting perishable veg, and is much more likely to be reusable than paper bags.Our friends Growing Communities in London have done a lot of research into the costs and benefits of using plastic bags and found that using recycled plastic bags to deliver their veg was more environmentally friendly than paper, cardboard boxes or reusable cotton/nylon bags. This is because currently it requires far less energy to create a plastic bag than bags/boxes made out of these other materials. You would need to reuse a paper bag 3 times for it to have the same global warming potential as a plastic bag and a cotton bag some 131 times.Given the difficultly customers have in always returning the reusable nylon bags we’ve used in the past, we’ve decided to use recycled plastic bags as the most environmentally sustainable and cost effective solution for delivering fruit and veg to our customers at this time. That said, we’ve always got our eyes out for an alternative and are ready to change when a better solution becomes available.Please continue to return your bags to us, the more we reuse them the fewer new plastic bags need to be made!

What should I do with my packaging?

Please return any bags to us by dropping them off at your collection point when you pick up your next order. We will collect them on our next delivery and reuse them whenever possible.

What’s in season now?

See our Veg Guide page [link] for details of what to expect in season month by month.

Where do you get your produce?

We aim to source our fruit and veg as locally as possible and work with four growers within 50 miles of Manchester to do this. Find out more at ‘Our Growers’ page [link].When we can’t source from these growers, we work with a local organic wholesaler to purchase produce, again, aiming to buy from UK growers first, then going further afield if UK produce isn’t available, and to give you access to some fruit and veg that can’t be grown in our climate.When sourcing from abroad, we never buy products that have been airfreighted.

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